Find a Spiritual Director
The purpose of Spiritual Direction is to grow in holiness and strengthen one’s relationship with God. A Spiritual Director acts as a guide, counselor, and friend, focusing on the directee’s relationship with God to deepen their prayer life through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Diocese of Bridgeport collaborates with Fairfield University Murphy Center to promote spiritual direction.
Find a Parish
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Assumption Parish
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Saint Edward the Confessor Parish/Holy Trinity (Sherman)
St. Ed’s Young Adult Ministry is guided by three principles of mission:
1. To enlighten one’s faith with charity and hope.
2. To empower the future of the Church with the spiritual tools of the past and present.
3. To engage the hearts of all Catholic young adults in search of faith and community.
Bound by this mission, her members create opportunities for social and most importantly spiritual growth within the community.
St. Ed’s Young Adult Ministry provides monthly social events, such as BBQs, karaoke nights, holiday parties, and theme nights that spark interest in our community. From here, her leaders know this is only the start, and desiring a build for deeper community, extends themselves through spiritual invitations to join Bible studies, Adoration, and community Masses. Faith does not stop in the Church nor at an event, but is woven within the hearts of St. Ed’s Young Adult leaders and their mission to find those who desire those same principles of mission in this way.
You’re invited to connect with us through our website, Here, you can find our social media pages and Flocknote to stay up-to-date on all things St. Ed’s Young Adult Ministry related.
St. Cecilia-St. Gabriel Parish
Our group is active and meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the parish center at St. Cecilia’s on Newfield Ave. Meetings consist of fellowship, a short lesson, small group discussion, and conclude with Adoration in the church. We are part of the broader Crossroads 4 Christ organization which has several chapters throughout Connecticut.
Saint Francis of Assisi Parish
Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish
The Basilica of Saint John the Evangelist
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Philip Parish
Saint Gregory the Great Parish
Saint Mary Parish
St. Mary Parish invites young adults aged 18+ to come together and form a community to grow in their faith. Primarily Spanish Speaking, the group meets every Sunday after 7 o’clock mass.
Contact: Franklin Catu
Saint Theresa Parish
Where: 5301 Main St., Bridgeport, CT 06611
Contact: Theresa Raytar
St. Theresa Young Adults Group and Ministry is a group of men and women, ages 20’s-30’s who are devoted to fostering an environment to grow in their Catholic Faith, Fellowship, Scripture, Community Outreach, and Putting faith into action.
Events include Bible Study, volunteer opportunities, and social gatherings.
Saint Peter Parish
Saint Leo Parish
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
Saint Jude Parish
Saint John Parish
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
Saint Lawrence Parish
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
Saint Pius X Parish
or text SPXFFLD to 84576
Blessed Sacrament Parish
Saint Aloysius Parish
Description: The St. Aloysius Young Adult Ministry invites those aged 18-39 to come together and form a community to grow in their faith. Whether you are seeking to deepen your faith through Bible study, discussion, or simply connecting with other young adults in the church, our young adult ministry hopes to offer you a place to do so.
We have a three-prong approach to the ministry here:
College Ministry During school breaks and summer there are communal events including adoration, hikes, Bible study, and weekly social gatherings. Care packages are sent to college students in the Fall & the Spring to keep them rooted in the parish community and to encourage them to keep their faith alive. Co-coordinated by Danielle Mank (Fairfield University student) & Chris Otis (High School Youth Minister).
Post-College Young Professional – Bi-weekly Bible Study, and other events, Mission Trips, Theology on Tap, and Adoration. Co-coordinated by Charlotte Engel (Young Adult professional).
Young Adult Couples For those who are dating, engaged, and married. Monthly opportunities to build community through service projects and social gatherings such as Friendsgiving, game nights, and dinners out on the town. Co-coordinated by Molly & Larry Luppi (Young Married Couple).
Get Connected
All group emails & text messages are sent out via Flocknote. To be added to our Young Adult list text STAYAM to 84576
Contact: Fr. David Roman
Holy Family and Saint Emery Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Saint Joseph – Saint Ladislaus Parish
Sacred Heart and Saint Patrick Parish – Georgetown/Redding Ridge
Notre Dame Parish
Saint Jerome Parish
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish
Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish
Saint Bridget of Ireland Parish
Saint Roch Parish
Saint Peter Parish
Saint James Parish
Saint Thomas More Parish
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Saint Matthew Parish
Contact: Cassandra & Mitchell Holbrook
Currently meetings are on hold due to covid, for more information visit our website.
This group is for Young Adults who desire to grow in their Catholic faith and who are seeking connection
Young Adults who are looking to link their everyday challenges with solutions that have been given to us through the teachings of our Lord.
Founded a couple of years ago after Msgr. Walter heard from some of our young adults who were working hard – many commuters – who didn’t have a lot of free time, but who really wanted a deeper relationship with their faith and their peers. “So I invited them to 12 noon Mass on the first weekend of every month, lunch at a diner afterward – just to chat, and catch up on their thoughts and needs. I was interested to hear how this group believes strongly in inclusivity, has a great affection for Pope Francis, an interest in understanding scripture, service relief missions, and connecting with their peers.”
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Holy Cross Parish
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
St. Catherine of Siena and St. Agnes Parish
Saint Elizabeth Seton Parish
Saint Maurice Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Saint Clement of Rome Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Our Lady of Grace Parish
Saint Stephen Parish
Saint Anthony of Padua Parish
Saint Joseph Parish
Sacred Heart Parish
Saint Michael the Archangel Parish
Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish
Saint Mark Parish
Saint Ann Parish
Saint George Parish
Saint Thomas the Apostle Parish
Holy Spirit Parish
Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Paul Parish
SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish
Saint Mary Parish
Saint Luke Parish
Saint Charles Borromeo Parish
Christ the King Parish
Saint Rose of Lima Parish
The Cathedral Parish
Saint Margaret Shrine
Notre Dame Du Perpetuel Secours For The Haitian Catholic Community – Quasi-Parish
Our Lady of Good Counsel – Quasi-Parish
Holy Vietnamese Martyrs – Quasi-Parish
Saint Benedict Parish
St. Monica Pastoral Center
Our Lady of Aparecida
Get a helping hand
We know things can be hard, and occasionally, everyone needs a hand-up. If you are having a crisis, Catholic Charities is here to help.
We are connecting young adults with each other and the Church. Sign up below to access weekly emails and texts about young adult events and activities near you!