Laetare Sunday Reception
Laetare Sunday Reception
March 10, 2024
10:15am - 1:00pmSt's Cyril & Methodius Church
79 Church Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608
Join us for High Mass on Laetare Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
After Mass please join us downstairs in the church hall for a social hour, including the rector's annual "simnel cake," served traditionally on Laetare Sunday. Feel free to make one of your own, or to bring other treats to share, on this joyous Sunday which marks the fact that just over half of Lent is over!
After Mass please join us downstairs in the church hall for a social hour, including the rector's annual "simnel cake," served traditionally on Laetare Sunday. Feel free to make one of your own, or to bring other treats to share, on this joyous Sunday which marks the fact that just over half of Lent is over!
Laetare Sunday Reception
March 10, 2024
10:15am - 1:00pmRev. Canon F.X. Altiere
(203) 333-7003