Faith on Tap Bridgeport/Fairfield
Faith on Tap Bridgeport/Fairfield
July 27, 2023
7:30pmHub + Spoke
3001 Fairfield Avenue
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06605
Join us for our inaugural 'Faith on Tap' event in the Bridgeport/Fairfield Area! Enjoy meaningful conversations, connect with others, and deepen your understanding of our faith, all within the relaxed atmosphere of Hub + Spoke. This month, we're thrilled to host Fr. Brendan Blawie who will share insights on relevant theological topics. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you're welcome to participate. Don't miss this unique opportunity to mingle, learn, and explore Catholic theology over a drink!

Faith on Tap Bridgeport/Fairfield
July 27, 2023
7:30pmPaola Peña