
Adult Theology Talk

Adult Theology Talk
November 7, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Sts Cyril & Methodius Church
79 Church Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608
The theme of the Adult Theology series this year is "Our Life In Christ: Introduction to Catholic Moral Teaching."

This Tuesday's talk will be about "Conscience and the Moral Law." Why does God give us a moral law? What is the "natural law" and how does it relate to the Ten Commandments? What does it mean to have a well formed conscience?

The parish provides warm and cold beverages. Please feel free to bring a snack to share! This class meets downstairs in the church hall. Catholics and non-Catholics alike are welcome to attend. There are a total of 12 meetings throughout the year.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/612859530846778/
Adult Theology Talk
November 7, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Sts Cyril & Methodius Church
79 Church Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608
Rev. Canon Francis Altiere
(203) 333-7003