
Adult Theology Talk

Adult Theology Talk
October 24, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church
79 Church Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608
The theme of the Adult Theology series this year is "Our Life In Christ: Introduction to Catholic Moral Teaching."

This Tuesday's talk will be about "The Life of Grace." What is grace? What is the difference between actual grace and sanctifying grace? Can we be saved by our own efforts? Why is "the state of grace" so important?

The parish provides warm and cold beverages. Please feel free to bring a snack to share! This class meets downstairs in the church hall.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/StsCyrilandMethodiusOratory/
Adult Theology Talk
October 24, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church
79 Church Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06608
Rev. Canon Francis Altiere
(203) 333-7003