
Men's Retreat

Men's Retreat
October 11, 2024 - October 13, 2024
(10/11) - (10/13)
Villa Maria Guadalupe
159 Sky Meadow Drive
Stamford, CT 06903
Cost: Suggested donation $200, with a $55 deposit

Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is everything so messed up? What has God done about it? How should I respond? Discover the answers to these questions and the Story that makes sense of our lives and the world around us.

This weekend is open to men ages 18 and over and includes Mass on Saturday and Sunday, opportunities for Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic adoration, small group discussion, and presentations of the Rescue Project facilitated by members of the Knights of Columbus Evangelization and Faith Formation Office. Join men seeking to follow the Lord in faith, fraternity, and prayer.

The Chaplain for this retreat will be Fr. Eric Silva, a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Non-Refundable Deposit Information:

We ask for a $50* non-refundable deposit to confirm your registration, as a portion of your total retreat donation. While Villa Maria Guadalupe is donation-only, it may be helpful to know that the total expense for one person over a weekend is about $200 (i.e. a $50 deposit and a $150 donation upon arrival, totaling $200, would cover the entire cost of your retreat). We are grateful for whatever you are willing/able to give!

*Exceptions: We do not want a "cost" to keep anyone from coming on retreat. If you would like to inquire about scholarship possibilities, please call us at (203) 329-1492, and we'd be very happy to speak with you!

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mens-retreat-october-2024-registration-1008435787587?aff=oddtdtcreator
Men's Retreat
October 11, 2024 - October 13, 2024
(10/11) - (10/13)
Villa Maria Guadalupe
159 Sky Meadow Drive
Stamford, CT 06903
Sisters of Life
(203) 329-1492